A little soccer can make a big difference in kids' futures. With only a few dollars, you can be the difference maker in millions of kids' lives.
We hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy. During this time of uncertainty, know that you are not alone. We are united in facing this challenge.
We wanted to share with you what we are doing to help kids and families stay safe, healthy, and active during this time.
On the national level, we’ve teamed up with nearly 200 other organizations in the nonprofit sector to ask Congress that nonprofits receive critical relief during this time. Nonprofits are vulnerable during a crisis like this and as revenue and other resources dry up, we want to make sure our partners can continue to serve the communities that rely on them. For that reason, we signed onto a letter encouraging Congress to pass a $60 billion stimulus package that includes economic relief for nonprofits.*
On the local level, our team at the U.S. Soccer Foundation is doing everything we can to support our partners nationwide — local nonprofits, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, and others — who are working on the frontlines to address a variety of urgent needs for kids in their communities.
Our Foundation team members are in constant communication with our partners to explore how we can best support them right now. Our program operators are already responding with creative solutions to meet their communities’ needs. For example, in Buffalo, NY and Portland, OR, our partners are working to distribute soccer balls to every player and provide activities that can be done at home.
Although our programming has temporarily paused, the Foundation’s work continues.
We will get through this together. Thanks for being a part of our U.S. Soccer Foundation community.
Ed Foster-Simeon
President & CEO
U.S. Soccer Foundation
*Note: On Friday, March 27 Congress passed The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES ACT) (H.R. 748). The CARES Act contains several provisions that are relevant to nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve. Our partners at Independent Sector have compiled a great summary for nonprofits, which can be found here: https://independentsector.org/resource/coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-act-cares-act-summary-for-nonprofits/.