Kids play on the new LEGO mini-pitch in Albuquerque, NM
Let soccer do what soccer does.

Together, we can give millions of kids from underserved communities safe places to grow, thrive and build confidence for life.

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Soccer for Success

Soccer is more than a game. Our program uses soccer to improve children’s physical and mental health and overall well-being in underserved communities.

After-School Option

Led by trained coach-mentors, this program teaches soccer fundamentals alongside critical social, emotional, and life skills. The result? Healthier and happier kids and communities.

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Boys and girls smiling with their arms around each other's shoulders

In-School Option

Designed for K-8 classroom or physical education teachers, our curriculum provides educators with lessons, skills, and strategies to get kids active while teaching them the basics of physical health.

Get our School Curriculum


Independent studies show that our after-school program improves health outcomes and leads to improved social and emotional well-being.

  • 700,000+children have built positive skills through our program
  • 88%of kids are better teammates in group activities
  • 86%of youth show positive behaviors like staying in school
  • 83%of youth adopt healthier, more active habits

Check out third party evaluations of our after-school program.

Program Components

  • Children get the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous  physical activity during each session.

  • Children learn how to stay healthy in body and mind with fun and engaging activities.

  • The program provides families with information to help them live healthier lifestyles and nurture their child’s personal growth.

  • Coaches are trained as mentors who teach soccer and help kids build confidence and critical life skills.

  • The program provides spaces that are physically and emotionally safe for students.

A Life Program

Program participants, parents, and coach-mentors share what Soccer for Success means to them.

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Girl playing goalie in a soccer goal
  • Jesus smiling
    “Soccer for Success has helped my son live a more active and healthier life. It has helped him make new friends and have more confidence in himself.”

