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9th Congressional Soccer Match

The 2023 Congressional Soccer Match was one for the ages!
After last year’s defeat, the Republicans reclaimed the title against the Democrats in a head-to-head rematch 4-2.

The day began with the Embassy Tournament where Denmark was crowned the winner followed by a Staffer vs. Lobbyist Match. AOC was in the crowd to cheer on her office. Ultimately, the Lobbyists prevailed.

Then, for the main event, the energy remained high as the Republicans reclaimed the title in the 9th iteration of the event.

We were joined this year by the Cooligans’ Christian Polanco and Apple TV’s Jillian Sakovits who served as emcees and commentators for the night.

Despite the competition on the field, by the end of the night everyone was ultimately on the same team and came together to support the Foundation’s programs and using soccer as a vehicle for social change in communities across the country.

Punchbowl News’ Max Cohen (a media partner of the event) captured a moment at the end of the Match that went viral when Rep. Crenshaw threw his glass eye in the trophy. See it for yourself below.

A viral moment from the 2023 Congressional Soccer Match.

Highlights from the Match