kids happy and playing on a mini-pitch
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Alex Morgan’s Continued Legacy

Alex Morgan Foundation and Mission Valley YMCA Celebrate Opening of New Mini-Pitch

Recent Posts

From the President & CEO

Children in underserved communities already face daunting odds: Without our help, COVID-19 will make matters so much worse

Oct 28 2020

The term 20/20 is often associated with visual acuity. The year 2020 is giving us a painfully clear view of the extraordinary challenges faced by children in underserved communities and the pressing need for our collective help.


Building Community and Removing Barriers

Oct 16 2020

Many people may now know JT Dorsey as “Coach JT” given his involvement as a coach-mentor who has led some of the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s pre-recorded Soccer for Success practice sessions during the fall 2020 season. But to the community members and program participants of the JT Dorsey Foundation, Coach JT is so much more.

From the President & CEO

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Sport in this Moment

Sep 30 2020

As the national discussion on racism and equity issues continues, the power of sport as a vehicle for social change has risen to the forefront of conversations and discussions. But what does that mean in practical terms? Our President & CEO explains.


A New Season with a Different Look

Sep 14 2020

At the U.S. Soccer Foundation, we’ve spent the summer listening to our partners so that we can best support their needs and, ultimately, the needs of our communities. What we have heard loud and clear is that it is critical that we continue to adapt and find innovative ways for our partners to run our Soccer for Success program.


Tackling Systemic Racism Through Soccer: A thoughtful and forward-thinking conversation with sports leaders from both the United States and Catalonia

Sep 10 2020

We participated in a virtual conversation hosted by the Delegation of Catalonia to the U.S. on how sports can play a decisive role in replacing racism and prejudice with tolerance and inclusiveness. Here's a reacap.


Reimagining Youth Sports: A Look Back on 2020 Virtual National Training

Aug 20 2020

This year’s Soccer for Success National Training looked a bit different than previous summers. Here's a recap.


Ensuring Health Equity in Return to Play

Aug 8 2020

A recap of our Urban Soccer Symposium plenary focused on ensuring health equity as we return to play and reimagine the future of youth sports.

Equity Panel

Tackling Systemic Racism in Soccer

Aug 7 2020

A recap of our Urban Soccer Symposium panel of soccer players who tackled the issue of systemic racism in the sport of soccer within a national atmosphere of heightened awareness following centuries of global systemic inequities.


Using Their Voices – Creators of Gender Equity in Sport

Aug 6 2020

A recap of our opening Urban Soccer Symposium plenary on racial and gender equity in sports.

Using Their Voices